I have a headache. Actually, I've had a headache for about a week now. Actually make that 3 years. I'm not sure if it's from my kids yelling at each other, or from me yelling at them, or perhaps a little of both. Regardless, I have one heck of a pounding brain.
I have attributed my head pain to stress. Child-related stress of course. You just can't deny it. Having 3 kids is stressful. You get out of bed: one is crying. Your first sip of coffee: they are fighting. You walk out of the shower: something is crashing. You're trying to make dinner: they are all whining. You try to use the washroom: they are hitting each other. You try to go to sleep: someone starts crying. On and on and on and on, day in and day out: noise, noise noise noise noise!!!
So, I try positive visualization. A sort of word faith for moms: if you say and believe it, it will come to beautiful fruition!
Here's how that goes: I'm sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. The two big kids are playing on the computer. The babe is wandering about, playing with toys and chasing the dog. There is a scuffle, and big kid one begins yelling at big kid two. As always, to be expected, a loud, whiny "mooooom" is soon directed your way. The positive visualization begins!!
"Mooooom, he pulled my hair!!"
In MY head I hear "Mooom! He hugged me a little too hard!"
I say, "Oh well, don't worry about that, babe."
She says, "MOOOM! He pulled my hair and spat at me!"
In MY head I hear, "Mooom! He hugged me too hard AND kissed me!"
I smile, "Oh gosh that's sweet!"
Her protest intensifies with tears, "MOOO-OOOM! He is turning off the computer, he has a fist full of my hair, and he gave me a nose bleed!"
I giggle and laugh as I drown out and ignore the fight, and from the kitchen comes a crash and splat as baby drops a full carton of eggs on the floor.
In MY head I hear "Get off your ass and stop daydreaming you FOOL!!"
Crack open the Tylenol and suck it up, baby. It's going to be a long 19 years x 3.
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