Friday, November 26, 2010

1st, 2nd, 3rd child musings

I've picked up on a behaviour pattern in this house, and after much observance and analysis have come to a conclusion on the behaviour of first, second, and third children. Of course, all data is pure speculation, and based entirely on the goings on in one specific household, but certainly it seems to be holding true for us. It goes like this:
The first child is a gem. The novelty; the easy going babe that gets undivided attention, every cry tended to, the entire family completely surrounds and spoils; in other words, every child would be so lucky to be the first or only child of a family. The attention, along with never being for want, shall create the perfect child, spoiled in every way, never in need of misbehaviour to gain attention or to get what he or she wants. Discipline is rarely necessary, and therefore moms and dads don't get a good handle on it the first time around. This child is well behaved, well mannered, happy, well adjusted, and very little problem (until siblings enter the picture, that is!).

The second child is a shock. Mom and dad realize that they should have taken juggling courses, because now they have a wonderful little child, and a new screaming, hungry, poopy baby to contend with! But “our last baby was such a pleasure, why would this be any different?” And it very well may not the beginning. Case-in-point. My little boy started out a sweet little baby, and by 14 months was a raging, trouble making lunatic. I should have known we were in trouble when he started walking a week before 10 months old, and he has reigned sweet little boy terror down on the house ever since. Mom and Dad don't have a lot of experience with discipline (considering the first was simply perfect), and they often let the second child go'atter thinking “it's just a phase...he'll get over it” etc, etc. Not so.

The third little one comes into the picture. Mom and Dad are well experienced now. The third baby takes cues from the second, and learns to spit, pull hair, and run wild by the time she is walking. Time outs are well in place by the time said baby is 16 months old, and they all just cross fingers and pray that the hands of fate don't deal them with another hellraiser.

It's rather scientific and logical if you think about it. Simply put, when moms and dads are outnumbered in a household, there is hell to pay. Baby one, easy. Baby two, Lord help us. Baby three? Hmmm....our fate remains to be seen....she doesn't talk yet......

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm relieved I didn't have more than two. Between my over-active-ADHD-still-smears-shit-on-the-bathroom-walls-occasionally-because-he-didn't-want-to-'waste-toilet-paper'-all-around-100%-boy and my overly-dramatic-princess-girly-girl-tomboy-sassy-back-talking (did I say dramatic yet) little-girl, I would have been 'blessed' with either a serial killer or triplets. Because you know, God really does have a sense of humor... HA! I sure fooled Him!
