Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's that time of the year...

Baking?  Later!  Tree?  Soon! Decorations and lights?  Up! Shopping?  Almost done! Christmas cards?  No Time! School? Two more weeks!  School Christmas celebrations? Coming, and coming!  School concert?  Soon!  Cleaning?  Whaaaat?  Laundry?  Say whaaat?  Sanity?  Fleeeeeting......quickly.  

'Tis the season for drowning...in everything.  Regular day to day stuff, with a whole bunch of crap piled on top.  Throw 3 kids in the mix, and you have chaos.

So far this year...the tree is late, the advent calendars were late, the money is GONE, and as usual, I hope the expectations are not tooooo high.  

So how do we deal?  Well first, the image of "Santa" gets rather de-mystified in my house.  I can't hide the fact that yes I DO shop for gifts, and yes I DO wrap the gifts. Sooo....I have suddenly become a helper of Santa.  Heck, he has so many kids to take care of that he needs parents to help him out.  He'll grab the presents when no one is looking, and deliver them on Christmas Eve as usual.  Hence, Santa still rules, but he doesn't get all the credit anymore.

Money issues?  Well, we spend as much as we can muster on the kids, and the rest of the family get short-changed.  Sorry to say it, but you're getting baking AGAIN this year.  And yes, it's tasty and will make you fat.  But yes, I worked HARD to make it for you and there's more thought in that than in a cheap sweater or some electronic gadget you'll never figure out how to use!  You just better hope the kids didn't help me make those treats, because you may find interesting bits of this and that in that butter tart! 

Stress?  Naaaah.  I do LOVE the holidays and the festivities, but there is also a lot of PRESSURE.  Drag the kids here and there for the two family get togethers.  Be here at this time, leave at that time, naps here and there, fill up the tank, get out that way before this time to make that dinner, make sure the kids get lunch!  Oh, babe missed her nap!  Oh, please don't get up at 5 tomorrow!  Kids want to see Santa?  Oh yeaaaah!  Stocking stuffers? Oh no!  Got to get those!  Oh look, I forgot a gift for so-and-so - hurry, throw some cookies on a plate!  I'm out of tape!  No - don't take the decorations down!  Shoot...it broke.  Take a bath!  It's almost been a week!  Are you serious?  The battery died in the car?  Where's the wrapping paper?  Mommy...my tummy hurts....

Well, let's hope this year NO ONE GETS SICK (I remember getting thrown up on one Christmas Eve while my daughter was having diarrhea on the toilet - Merry Christmas!).  And let's hope that this year, our car doesn't break down and leave us stranded Christmas Eve (power steering pump blew.  oil everywhere.)  And let's hope that this year our vehicle doesn't catch FIRE in the driveway (yes, another past event).  

It's still a couple of weeks away....ANYTHING can happen.....!!!!

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