Tuesday, October 23, 2012

strange awakening

I remember this weird moment when I was around 9 years old.  It was like I suddenly woke up, becoming aware of myself and my world.  I can't remember the exact thought but it was probably "why am I here?"  I do remember subsequent thoughts like, "why am I 9?"  "Why am I a kid?" and "What am I doing here?".  It was this strange awakening; just for a moment, and then I was able to go on with the fantastically whimsical and imaginative life of a 9 year old girl without a care. 

I was brought back to that moment today, as I slumped over the kitchen counter mid-day.  I had my pounding head in my hands and my exact thought was "Oh God make this day end."  Followed with thoughts such as "how am I going to make it to bed time," "I better clean the yogurt footprints off the floor," and "the next child who whines moooooom better fear for his or her little hide 'cause momma's hit the mid day wall that coffee can't even cure."  It was this strange awakening; just for a moment, and then I was able to go on with the horrifically real and exhausting life of a 34 year old mother of 3 with more cares than she'd ever thought she's care to have!

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