Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You Know When Dad is one of the Kids When....

So when do they grow up, huh? Some people have told me around 30, but he's 30 now and I see little change!  So how do you know when you have one extra large kid in your family?  It's not hard to tell.  

As a mom, I've worked so hard to teach my kids to be polite and well mannered.  So hard.  But when my 19 month old throws up at the dinner table, pushing her gut so hard to burp like daddy, mortification reaches an all time high!  My littlest man says "let's have a burping party" and I scream "NOOO!"  Then I turn to my husband with an icy glare, "this is YOUR fault."

So okay, burping is a natural function, right?  Excess air and gas in the body need to come out, right?  So I guess the same goes for good 'ol flatulence.  And guess what -  at around the age the babes start responding to verbal commands, they also start farting on command as well.  It's funny to get your baby to toot in the tub, right?  And that's why my 19 month old (and all the rest of them) find it gut-busting hilarious when they pass gas now.  They'll even wave it at you if they're feeling extra sassy.  I spit an icy glare at my husband "this is YOUR fault."

Let's face it, our bodies can be pretty gross.  Strange things come out, especially when we are sick. Runny noses turn into crusty noses; and surely one must pick it all out, right?  So when I am at the school with my youngest 2 at a play group, and my 19 month old jams her finger in her nose, and straight into her mouth, I look around at the other mothers quite sheepishly and say "THAT is her FATHER'S fault."  As the saying goes (according to him) "you pick it, you eat it!"

Oh, if only you could be a fly on the wall for one weekend at my house, the things you would see.  I duck away for 15 minutes to shower to return to a blaring loud stereo and kids dancing around off their rockers while daddy tests out some new music.  Or perhaps when the kids slip their pants down their bums and run around the house.  How about the other day, while at Stanley park, daddy decides to hop on the stroller and take a ride down a hill.  Embarrassing?  Indeed.  And the next thing the rest of the kids want a death-defying ride down the hill in a stroller with no brakes.  "Absolutely NOT" I yell.  

Daddy is the one I have to argue with about NOT getting a new TV, or video game system, or computer, or pet.  Big kid?  Biggest of the bunch I'd say!

**Sigh**  So what does this all make me?  The no-fun mom.  The bad guy.  The downer, the kill-joy.  But what can you do?  It's a mom's life, I guess!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011?? I uhh...don't think I really care!!

Happy New Year!!  I guess.... The eternal pessimist in me has a hard time ringing in a "fresh" new year (doesn't help when you start the year with 3 sick kids and maybe 4 hours of sleep a night for the past week).

Resolutions, anyone?  I think I will pass this year!  I had many possibilities, but really, can I expect much more of myself?  

Here are the resolutions I considered:

Spend more time with the kids - Well it's already 24/7 so I don't see how this one is possible.

Exercise & Eat well - Everyone should already be doing this all the time.  And I try.  And it's all up to the kids really. Will you sleep so I can run?  Will you give me 10 minutes to cook up a chicken breast so I can avoid your Mac 'N Cheese?

Take more time to myself - This is contrary to my first option, and therefore neither make much sense to me.  Possible?  No!

Try not to worry too much?  After years of paycheque to paycheque living, worry becomes inbedded in your SOUL.  So no to this one!

Spend less money?  If I spent any less, I would have no socks, never mind all my socks with holes.  If I spent less, then I would probably be using leaves for toilet paper, or cooking rats over an open fire for supper.  Don't think I could spend LESS!!

Have more fun with my family / get out more / find more activities.  Look at the above resolution and you will see that spending MORE isn't possible, either!!  A lot of FUN requires CASH.  

Oh let's face it.  Unless you are starting the year with a new job, are moving to a new town and starting fresh, there is no "New Year".  All the years just mesh together into one LIFE.  The "New Year?"  Really and come on and PULEASE!  It's an excuse to party!  To drink and act like dummies!  

I was pretty happy just hanging out with the kids playing video games, letting them stay up, and then hearing them complain when mom and dad were too tired and wanted to go to bed at 10:30!

So over the past few days of quiet thought, I've mulled over 2010 and FINALLY pulled out a resolution that I can apply to my life!  What do I remember about 2010?  Not much.  Nothing major stands out, except a few highs and a few lows, and a whole bunch of white hairs from my worry and paranoid tendencies.  Here's what I'm going to do from now on:

Seize the good times, and try not to let anything spoil them.  You know those great moments when the kids are so wrapped up in playing or dancing or having fun and are living in the excitement of the moment?  They aren't thinking about any of their worries.  They are just enjoying the moment.  That's what I need to do.  Then I think I will find a lot more great memories that aren't clouded by the crappier things in life. Deal with the crap when it needs to be dealt with and set it aside.  We all need to be more childlike and lose ourselves in the times that are full of joy! 

So Happy New Year.  I think the key is to just try and make it Happy.  You can just let the rest fall into place on it's own!